Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Simple Sixes: A Guide for Parents Part 4 of 6

Simple Sixes: Part 4 of 6 Involve Children in Goal Setting
Setting goals fosters and enhances ownership, knowledge, skills, power, pride, organization, self-confidence and is incredibly motivating!! In order to achieve goals we need to do the following:
1. Set an attainable and reasonable goal
2. Write out the steps for reaching the goal
3. Set a time frame or make a time line
4. Check progress (evaluate)
5. Implement goals and CELEBRATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We can set long term goals or short term goals. We need to help our children set reasonable goals and remember to celebrate and acknowledge accomplishments. Children with realistic goals, along with a solid plan feel capable and their self esteem rises dramatically. Some examples of goals could be learning to ride a bike or school projects. When you go home tonight ask your child one thing s/he would like to accomplish. Then write out the steps,
Set a time frame, check progress and celebrate!!


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